B-6 Booster

Vitamin B6 is crucial for various bodily functions, including metabolism, brain development, and immune function. Its IM administration ensures rapid absorption and maximum impact, providing an immediate boost to your mental and physical health.

Our B6 Booster is your pathway to achieving a balanced body and mind. Designed for anyone seeking to enhance their overall well-being, it’s the perfect solution for instant vitality.

Elevate your health with the targeted support of our B6 Booster.

*Takes just 5 minutes to administer


A La Carte



Benefits of this booster

  • Direct, IM delivery for fast and effective nutrient absorption, bypassing the digestive system.

  • Supports healthy brain function and improves mood, combating stress and promoting mental clarity.

  • Aids in hemoglobin production and immune response, enhancing overall vitality.

  • Precise dosing for optimal health benefits, ensuring you receive the right amount for your wellness needs.

When to boost

  • Feeling mentally foggy or under stress and in need of cognitive clarity and mood enhancement.

  • Experiencing symptoms of PMS or hormonal imbalance, requiring natural support.

  • During periods of illness or recovery to bolster the immune system.

  • Seeking to optimize metabolic processes and energy levels for daily activities.

Our formula

  • 100mg Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine)