Frequently Asked Questions

What is Drip IV Therapy, and how does it work?

Drip IV Therapy delivers essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream for maximum absorption. This process allows nutrients to nourish the body at a cellular level, enhancing your overall health, well-being, and vitality.

What’s the process of booking with Drip?

Step 1) Book your free intro exam so we can make sure you’re safe and ready.
Step 2) You can now freely book any service that we have whenever you’d like.

Do you accept Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards?

Yes, we accept both Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards for payment. Many of our wellness drips and services are eligible expenses under these accounts. We recommend checking with your HSA or FSA provider to confirm specific coverage details for our services. If you have any questions or need assistance during payment, our staff is here to help.

Why should I choose IV therapy over traditional supplements?

Oral supplements need to pass through the digestive system, and this process can reduce their potency. IV Drip Therapy bypasses the digestive system, ensuring 100% absorption of the nutrients, leading to quicker and more noticeable results.

Is Drip IV Therapy safe?

Absolutely! At our facility, all IV therapies are administered by trained and certified medical professionals. We utilize top-quality ingredients and sterile equipment to ensure both efficacy and safety. As with all medical treatments, there might be slight risks, but they are minimal and rare.

How long does a session take and what can I expect during my visit?

A session typically lasts between 30 to 45 minutes. Each of our suites is a sanctuary of relaxation, boasting an extra-large lounge chair built for supreme comfort. During your session, you can lie back, use the blankets if needed, charge your phone, and stay connected with our complimentary Wi-Fi. Our aim is to provide a tranquil and rejuvenating experience for every client.

Are there any side effects?

Most clients experience no side effects and leave feeling revitalized. A few might feel a slight chill during the infusion or a mild tenderness at the IV site, but these sensations are temporary. Our luxurious suites, equipped with plush lounge chairs, soft blankets, and other amenities, ensure maximum comfort throughout.

Can I resume my daily activities after my session?

Certainly! Most of our clients report feeling refreshed, hydrated, and more energetic immediately after their session. Whether you're planning to return to work, engage in physical activity, or simply continue with your daily routine, you can do so with renewed vigor.

What makes Drip unique?

We pride ourselves on delivering an experience that combines top-quality ingredients, expert medical professionals, and a luxurious ambiance. Our suites are designed for the utmost comfort, with lounge chairs, blankets, phone chargers, and high-speed Wi-Fi. We aim to tailor each session to your specific health goals, ensuring a personalized, optimal wellness journey.

How often should I receive IV Drip Therapy?

Frequency varies based on individual needs and wellness goals. Some clients benefit from weekly sessions, while others may opt for monthly visits. During your initial consultation, our team will provide guidance tailored to your specific health objectives.

Who administers the IV Drip in the lounge?

Our IV Drip sessions are administered by trained, certified medical professionals. Their expertise ensures that each session is both safe and beneficial, aligning perfectly with your wellness aspirations.

Can I customize my IV drip contents?

Absolutely! We believe in a personalized wellness journey. While we have a curated menu of IV drips, our team will work with you to customize a blend that aligns with your specific health needs and goals. Feel free to check our “Add-On’s” for a full list.